
Showing posts from February 20, 2010

Edificando la nación: prótesis + circuito cerrado + panoplia = Infierno

Os cortaron los testículos con fuego, luego insertan la prótesis (un dispositivo de circuito cerrado) esperanzados en captar la deslumbradora panoplia de maricas marchando derechitas hacia la visión del infierno según Rivera Schatz: a Spanish tea party . — ¿ Que es un Spanish tea party ?   —   Yo no sé.   ¡Búscalo en el diccionario urbano! © Sergio A. Ortiz 20 de febrero de 2010

My brother and his son in my apartment in Jayuya

I made all of the arts and crafts in the living room, including the knitted bed cover my nephew is sitting on.

My brother and my stepfather. My mother and me.


Me, my sister Priscila, and my brother Carlos in Chicago


My brother the cop, his wife, and my stepmother. This was also my apartment in Jayuya, PR
