
Showing posts from October 7, 2010

Poem up at The Salt River Review Issue 13

Poem up at  The Salt River Review    Stop by and read the issue.  This is one of my favorite Reviews. Sergio

Mario Vargas Llosa 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature

Dear friends Mario Vargas Llosa has been named the 2010 Nobel in Literature.   That just brings goose bumps all over.  He is one of the great magic realists of Latin America and as a friend has mentioned : This honor implied the recognition of the creative greatness of César Vallejo. Sergio

When Children Panic

When Children Panic Panic is not attached to the memory of troublesome times, like surgical tape sticks to the skin. Analyst ask you to lay down and close your eyes, but your thoughts drain and you can’t remember if anyone took the bandages off your mother before she was put in the coffin. (Was she buried with the catheter strapping?) Grandmother would say: “Men have a long tube, it’s for burying seeds.” I would ask why some fruit never fell from the tree, they rotted on the branch, as if resisting the imagination, and open doors. “They need to be picked,” was all she’d say.