
Showing posts from May 23, 2016


Enunciations In the swift days of my life, the feet of the beast described by Daniel in his Book, 500 years and they still failed to set iron and miry clay, but the sword with which they imposed the siege had plunged the homeland into misery. Not much ever happened, Amen! to business, the beautiful alliterations of brokerages. 170, 000 beheaded. Life in the country was commendable, anyone could carry a flag and brandish stories. Getting into the economic brutality of kings and Orthodox Jews took into account a healthy economy, at least that’s what the papers said, so life in the pipe-dream-country started at 6am with breakfast, take the kids to school, then keep your buttocks behind a desk, behind a wrench, behind a broom, behind oneself, to honor the hours that would allow the boss to have his piƱa colada anywhere he had a world. Now the auxiliary realm of greed broadcasted live strange numerals  as if panic co...

Syria 2016

Syria 2016 Today I continue to be sad as if I had died  looking  at the fungi of depleted uranium spreading through the bodies of children while I listen to Tartini as if he were a memorable man. Today I continue to be barefoot on my city’s streets without friends, and no one to wait for me at home. My loneliness is so deep that I sit down and listen to birdsong, and no longer want to be here. There’s nothing removing my annoyance, nothing allowing me to relive my love.