Submissions and the online workshops: In preparation for flying on my own! Part 2 Of course, whom these poets / moderators favor in the forums change. They are seasonal just like everything else in the macro - micro cycles of our contingent existence. In some cases, and I say it only because I have seen it happen, even the moderators are replaceable. Loyalties change with the rhetoric that goes on behind closed quarters. In some cases, the result is very destructive. I remember that brilliant woman, an excellent poet, a so, so moderator, who disappeared for a few months because of cancer -- only to come back and find she had been replaced, permanently replaced. The reason? Now, that I have had time to reflect on the issue, I realize she was not applying that push for a mainstream poetics in the forum. The excuse, she had forgotten to fill out some paperwork while she was recovering from therapy. I have no idea if sh...