
Showing posts from May 24, 2010

200 More Miles

Continuation of Racism and the submitting Hispanic Poet - this is part -oh well!

Then there is the issue of the Journal that never responds to a submission unless it has selected one of your poems.  The truly sad thing about this kind of a journal is that they’re allowed to advertize in places like Doutrope’s Digest.  It makes you kind of wonder if the people managing these literary search engines are, or have ever been, writers themselves?  To me this sends a rather sad  but clear message:  We don’t really care about the writer, or what writers contribute, our interests remain focused on what is convenient to us.  This is the height a self-centeredness attitude can reach, much like a one-sided love affair.  It feels like what I would imagine a battered woman, or man, feels after a beating.  But I’ll bet my right arm and an eye, these journals swamped by submissions.  It’s a sign of our times, we reward laziness and a lack of professionalism among us, in Spanish we say, en el “gremio.”  After all, that is what we ar...