
Showing posts from June 3, 2017

Fifteen Doors to Silence

Fifteen Doors to Silence Pain depends on the doors to silence. Heavy syllables creep like body bags full of calcined corpses and a neat bastard grammar, a spelling that imposes its hopeless scorpion seal on silence. It is not pleasant to die on a cross of ashes. It gnaws on your muscles forever. Maybe at door nine you'll find a bearable death, fate on an altar of fireflies. But who are we cheating?  Gate ten or fifteen should be a better choice. Distant doors like the tip of the sun celebrate winter. Although on second thought, what is it like to die  tacked to a dead door? Maybe it is necessary to burn the ships  and flee through an iron path to the mountains of widows. To die is to walk the Bible in reverse.

Mi amigo que llaman “Atleta del Año”

Mi amigo que llaman “Atleta del  A ño ” el que arenga sobre la solidaridad, y el amor a héroes caídos ―te siento oxigeno sin nadie que te respire. Un silencio neurótico vanaglorioso te hace relaciones publicas en los cielos suicidas.