
Showing posts from February 15, 2017

tiene sangre en las manos

tiene sangre en las manos y vidrio soplado en los pulmones el corredor del narcotráfico donde mi isla muere tiene sangre en la cara y vidrio molido en sus fosas nasales el corredor de la justicia donde mi isla muere tiene sangre en su pene y vidrio cortado en su colon el corredor de partidos políticos corruptos donde mi isla muere sangra  sangra  sangra iniquidad por la cabeza por los pezones por los pies por la nariz por el pene y aun así   es capaz de salir absuelto

I Refuse to Lose You

I Refuse to Lose You I follow you to the street where best regards forms a corner wall with the breeze. Where my body fights to enter the overflow of mist in your cloisters. Where clouds move inside a space beyond grief or understanding, and memory, my scandalous mirror, always tells a lie. Filled with longing I came to you prepared for ghosts and found whispers.

The Pianist

The Pianist We buried him yesterday. Night finds little, if any consolation in embellished stars, and although I’ve stopped crying, I still sigh. I listen to music when there's nothing but the luscious scent of emptiness. You were my fallen flower, my one thousand gifts of heavenly abundance, my banquet of endings.

The Storm - new version

The Storm A dog seeks a place to sleep. Listen to it growl at the boulevard; its broken sidewalks, weeds in every crack. Feel the rain and cool your sweaty flesh like a snuffed candle. Forget your name, the snare that gathers in the mist of night. Imagine someone sleeping in a row-boat tied to a mangrove root undisturbed by the rain or the dog.