
Showing posts from December 26, 2016

Dozens, the new Breath & Shadow Anthology is now ready to be bought

Dozens, the new Breath & Shadow Anthology is now online at Amazon. Breath & Shadow is a quarterly journal of disability culture and literature. A project of AbilityMaine, Breath & Shadow was the first online literary journal with a focus on disability. They are now open for both fiction and poetry submissions .


Goodbye 1.       Of Illusion You wrote: D  e  s  i  r  e on the tablet of my heart I walked for days and days dazzled      aromatized      and sad. 2.       Of Night In the loving night, I grieve. I pity his secret, my secret, I interrogate him in my blood for a long, long time. He doesn’t answer and does like my mother, who closes her eyes without listening to me. 3.       Of Goodbyes It's not to be said. It comes to our eyes, to our hands.  Trembles, resists. You say you'll wait―you wait― from then until … . And know goodbyes are useless and sad.

Of Goodbyes - Goodbye George Michael, sweet, sweet boy!!!

Of Goodbyes It's not to be said. It comes to our eyes, to our hands, trembles, resists. You say you'll wait―you wait― from then until … And know goodbyes are useless and sad.

Of the Night

Of the Night In the loving night I grieve. I pity her secret, my secret, I interrogate her in my blood for a long, long time. She doesn't answer and does like my mother, who closes her eyes without listening to me.

Of Illusion

Of Illusion You wrote: D  e  s  i  r  e  in the table of my heart I walked  for days and days  crazy      aromatized      and sad