
Showing posts from February 6, 2016

I’ve run away from your mouth

I've run away from your mouth but that has only restored my past I’ve written about my life without you but I cannot find myself in it I’ve died so many times between your legs that now I’m Lazarus 

como un amor perdido

I straddled my legs around his waist como un amor perdido… generous with my caresses, an officer about to be deployed 

his feet were covered in dirt,

his feet were covered in dirt, a faded purple… his books sank into the sea, throwing away all sorrow

this way to the arch of my hand

discreet… come this way to the arch of my hand, seek my relief, we’ll talk about regrets later

you left me alone

you left me alone to sleep by yourself… see me the way night sees the moon, I am your guide

tú y yo tendidos en la cama

tú y yo tendidos en la cama— dos sintiendo el fluir de la vida como uno solo tú y yo fuera de nuestros cuerpos— indiferentes a las cacatúas del cielo riéndonos juntos tú y yo belleza en la soledad del ensueño— corazones enredados, perdidos, siempre perdidos

fuera de nuestros cuerpos

tú y yo fuera de nuestros cuerpos— indiferentes a las cacatúas del cielo riéndonos juntos

tú y yo tanka

tú y yo tendidos en la cama — dos sintiendo el fluir de la vida como uno solo

a donde iré a morir

a donde iré a morir, en la falda de algún árbol ahorcado… soledad de viejo, espuma inmóvil en mi boca

it’s hard to breathe

it’s hard to breathe, winter dribbles its light down my back… moss grows so deep it can’t be cleared