
Showing posts from November 20, 2015

otro haiku en español

hay tanto territorio entre nosotros— derrotados

haiku en español

todo me retorna al tiempo en que tú estabas aquí, cielo,  aquí

entre las faldas tanka

encontré mis pies entre las faldas de tus montañas cielos y océanos

let me take a photograph tanka

let me take a photograph, that's if you're  here alone... it's cold out here, baby so don't let me down

loving you in the dark tanka

you keep backing  me up against these walls... loving you  in the dark isn't my fault sorry but I have to go Inspired by Adeles song, love in the dark

against these walls

you back me up  against these walls... loving you  in the dark isn't my fault sorry but I have to go

the pain comes tanka

the pain comes  at the moment I leave... don't realize that I'm your remedy, promise you won't fall apart