
Showing posts from December 17, 2016

Asterisks for the Intact

Asterisks for the Intact With you everything is without witnesses something imaginary but       real numbers crisscrossed lines under the first layer of my cartographic epidermis


Topography this is my story, my birth: I'm a wheelchair, a body wrapped in a sack, a tugged around childhood an unfair curse and the useless, stubborn desire for a pair of tailored hands scaling my thighs.


Piña ¡Golpea a las setas tailandeses de mis nalgas, perfumadas estrellas de mar  y de hojarasca! Tus dientes laceran la piel de mi nuca que late frente al abismo de tus pensamientos calados, historias translucidas que arrancan a besos la pulpa de mis labios al compás de un danzón que no tiene descanso, que retumba como los dedos de Ismael Rivera sobre mi cuero, lasca de piña redonda y azucarada, empalmando la morena dulzura de tu melaza.


Pineapple Smack the Thai mushrooms of my buttocks, the scented starfish, my cloak of confectioner’s leaves! Your teeth tear the skin off my nape beating in front of the abyss of my wet thoughts, your flash erotica pulling kisses off the pulp of my lips to the rhythm of a cha-cha-cha. Rumble my ass with fingers like Ismael Rivera’s, round and sweetened pineapple. Interlace the redolence of your molasses to remind me it’s Christmas.


Dedications To my Enemy: A face to face. To Insomnia: Pears or apples. To the Endless Wait: A white South African warden asleep outside a diamond mine. To the Classroom: A watch, the sobriety of water. To Distance: The little I still remember about Omar, furtive glow, naked wet body trapped in the precincts of my pupils. To love: A truce & another truce