
Showing posts from December 23, 2017

Third Absence

Third Absence  You hid the light somewhere and deny me a return. I know this darkness is fictitious because before you left fireflies landed on my hands. You were you  and we were intertwined bodies  on the same bed. Neither of us  saw the eclipse. We became cold,  nothing more than acquaintances and night turn out to be inaccessible. We couldn't dismount it together. You hid the light somewhere, planted it in someone else’s eyes. Now that you no longer exist nothing dawns side me.

¿Cómo pinto la felicidad? - imitando a Lisel Mueller

¿Cómo pinto la felicidad? - imitando a Lisel Mueller Como un regalo de mi amante hondureño una lluvia de arco irises Sí, un árbol de Magnolia China florecido rociando su flor y su fragancia mientras estamos debajo. De repente robados de nuestros capullos, reencarnados como extraños demasiados divinos para ser trastocados.