
Showing posts from September 14, 2010


Ceniza ¿Después del barbecho, que no daré? ¿Sangre viva, semilla ensangrentada sobre mi pecho?  Eres el " golpe helado" de mi violín amurallado. La única ceniza que no guarde en el vientre birlado  y lleno de esperma, el desconsuelo del sol después del " hachazo homicida" que forzó mi penetración. Más no hubo lágrimas, ni banderas fantasmas. Solo el desplome del universo con todos sus arqueros.

Between the Peel and the Seed

Between the Peel and the Seed It’s the mango fibers caught between the teeth, or men working in sugarcane plantations living in close quarters. It’s fear el negrito will wake-up on the street without an education after a serious hurricane. It’s the consuming image of sculpted ice bleeding away, and what we say when we approach the ocean. It’s a woman and her baby smeared all over someone’s parking space while an exterminating angel walks into a church wearing ten thousand dollar suits, and he’s running for governor.


Trees Define a dragonfly   trapped in the bone white sap of an evergreen ... Eternal song?

Dolphins and Moons

Dolphins and Moons A sword sharpened to perfection is unworthy of mention in my lovers presence unless it be drawn with respect. Bones wear out with age, fire is extinguished by water. Simplicity can be chained to the heart like dolphins swim around the aura of a lunar eclipse, but when my loved one touches my hair I splinter into dancing moons .