
Showing posts from August, 2012


XXXIV a tear descends on daybreak in your benefit forgetfulness and passion remain tattered I swallow the tear in exile


Singularidad Se abre una muralla intangible. Suspenso entre la vacilante soledad queda pasmado un instante de infinita fortuna. Se cae la palabra, singularidad del ser, transformada en conciencia interrogante, máscara , facción, piedra, fuerza del agua, para volver al olvido y dejar de ser. 


XXXI I leave you in the middle of your moment  I return to mine between the two of them, I set aside hope you leave loneliness and I go back to a name


XXX I glance at the mirror time makes us forget I continue a drop of blood reminds me my flesh still exists I stop and wait


XXIX seagulls and waves approach to touch me but they’re not  you


XXVIII I am torn between you and your eyes monologue: that one divided by nothing equals infinity 


XXVII you turn over to make love we embrace 


XXVI After a plea, a  soft scream, I acknowledge the thump of your thighs on my back. We talk in whispers under a low light. It’s different this time , I think.


XXV I stop to pick-up your wasted voice it spilled on my right side you lean forward  in  silence


XXIV I mold you but you chose your own dream you shatter if you only knew the answer.


XXIII your whining  doesn’t sound like you  but like a voice  living inside  other voices 


XXII constrained motionless in your sleep I deposit time on your body always willing to wake-up you are my gift


XXI your young face is the line. I follow it, touch the point of departure when I go down and almost regret it.


Threesome on the trail of broken hearts I found a hibiscus. he said, breathe, and I ran to a town in the middle of the island. a change along the path throws shadows in our eyes. we gather water and stars you lay beside us under a Caribbean sky tonight

Déjà vu

Déjà vu Crisp as a bee sting: suddenly I turn and you whisper what I think.


Escorpión Te encontré dormido, Ulises, en un callejón obscuro. Estaban cantando las sirenas . Te has vuelto áspero; me levanto y te dejo solo con tu alucinación.  Scorpion I found you asleep in a dark alley, Ulysses.  The sirens were singing. You became coarse. I stood-up and left you alone with your hallucination.


Penur ia   Besarte para apagar el fuego y  desfilar por tu piel.  Nacer a tus mimos y arrodillarme para seguir inventando tu recuerdo.  Rozar tu espalda con mis labios y trazar el contorno de tu cuerpo con mi lengua para comenzar a saciar esta sed de tenerte. Ahogarme en tu reclamo y no sentir el día llegar.


Descalzo Camino descalzo por la furia de tu aúllo. Regreso dividido entre tu y tu voz.