
Showing posts from December, 2012


joined through life's trials... below our eaves chrysanthemums blooming


you are subject to me like a roof is subject to its walls I came to you with my earth damp and intimate collapses 


like a fish out of water, this body of mine hot in the moonlight… I am subject to you the way water is subject to the moon


assault weapons... the autumn moon  red  with carnage


my hand drops below her waist— tremulous and flushed


your young face  my point of departure, the line I follow down almost to regret laying time  on your body, motionless in sleep I'm always happy to wake you, my present late wintery day…  your whining  doesn’t sound like you but like a voice living inside other voices I mold you              but you choose your own dream, then shatter . . . if we only knew the answer I am torn                               between you and your eyes. A monologue: Does one divided by nothing equal infinity?  Published in Aha Anthology, 2012


broken hearts beautiful little children laid to rest fireflies flying brighter than the city lights


exiled from the bedroom I swallow a tear at daybreak my passion in tatters


after a few tequilas we agree to change… hunger moon cherry blossoms… a pocket full of soft stones fireflies brighter than the city lights… family reunion


embracing her cooing son— moonflowers
terminally ill a snowman melts into darkness śmiertelnie chory bałwan wtapia się w mrok Sergio Ortiz San Juan, Stany Zjednoczone Polish International Haiku Competition Commended


birthday morning.... I no longer care for this old love of death the cold angel whose ruin I learn to accept


midday nap her eyes are no longer calico where  are the butterflies?  burning summer sun rusted garbage bins recycling plastic