
Showing posts from May, 2021

Undertow Poetry Review, La Resaca First Issue

  Karlo Sevilla Dear Aesthete,  This Could Turn Deadly   You whisper to me that the lonely firefly that blinks and dives down the undergrowth is a teardrop of a broken star.   And this same night amidst the chaos, the infant’s soft laughter is the chimes of a miniature carillon — the last music her mother shall ever hear now that the martial knocks tremble the wooden door.   And you yourself have long realized that you will stand up against injustice no matter the cost, because the most beautiful thing in this life is to do what is right even at supreme sacrifice. © Karlo Sevilla Philippines  Karlo Sevilla of Quezon City, P nohilippines is the author of the full-length poetry collection “Metro Manila Mammal” (Soma Publishing, 2018) and the chapbook “You” (Origami Poems Project, 2017). Recognized among The Best of Kitaab 2018 and nominated twice for the Best of the Net, his poems appear in Philippines Graphic, Revolt Magazine, Radius, Ramingo's Porch, Unlike...

Un recuerdo menos

  Un recuerdo menos Iré descociendo tu recuerdo a mi mirada. Te bajaré del firmamento donde quise acariciarte. Pero, ¿Dejar de amar mi propia aurora? Coceré esta luna triste.  La envolveré en mil corazones  abandonados sobre las arenas  del Mogadiscio de mi imaginación. Adiós, será en otra vida, mi vida. Dejar de amar mi propia aurora, no.