two more poems by Ezdras Parra translated by Sergio Ortiz (me) into English

Ezdras Parra was a transgender Venezuelan poet, fiction writer, essayist, editor, literary and movie critic. She published:  Este suelo secreto (1995), obtaining the poetry prize;  II Bienal Mariano Picón Salas. y Antigüedad del frío (2000). In fiction writing she published: El insurgente (1967), Por el mar de las Antillas (1968) y Juego limpio (1968).

who are never quenched
nor know who you are
nor exist for a certainty
you who can be many
when dreaming you are right
or thinking you must conquer that nothingness

que jamás te sacias
ni sabes quién eres
ni existes para la certidumbre
que puedes ser muchos
soñando que estás en lo cierto
o pensando que debes
conquistar ese nada.

the poem Que -That

That this place does not leave me, this garden,
this spread out sheet used to engross the horses
circle the immobile panorama   
its smell distributed over pastoral objects
and wheels torn to pieces
because of its self-indulgence
that the visceral ivy does not leave me either
stowed away on the equestrian lands that I trample
nor this prehistoric city that consumes
the anxiety of living on its knees.

Que este lugar no me abandone, este patio,
esta sábana extendida para atraer a los caballos
rodeo el panorama inmóvil
su olor se distribuye sobre los objetos rústicos
y las ruedas hechas añicos
a causa de tu intemperancia
que tampoco me abandone la yedra visceral
arrumada sobre las tierras ecuestres que pisoteo
ni esta ciudad prehistórica que consume
de rodillas su ansiedad de vivir.


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