Cold Water
Cold Water
Save me, I'm about to faint.
I lift my hand to hold up the sky.
Not for the flag. Not because of hunger.
I lift my hand to hold up the sky.
Not for the flag. Not because of hunger.
It's not the thirst.
It's my solitude surrounded by screams.
It's knowing what motivates
my desire.
It's my solitude surrounded by screams.
It's knowing what motivates
my desire.
It's the fatigue of being a puppet.
My strings collapse
amid the beauty
My strings collapse
amid the beauty
and laughter of children.
I can't save myself.
I'm this crumbling, desperate country,
this unthinkable winter.
Water, who has a bottle
this unthinkable winter.
Water, who has a bottle
of cold water
for me to bathe in?
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