
Showing posts from February, 2018

The distance between us

The distance between us feels like an iron cloud covering all my body. Could it be we were born to wander on opposite poles? I’m undulating river lying on your dreamlike  Lazarus chest oblivious to my leafless twilight. I have patches of yellow  planted on my skin  that are not immune to cold. Today I sing you my melody The same as I’ll sing it tomorrow. Maybe you're too far to taste  the gifts you’ve already savored from my wedding banquet. I do not care, my Lazarus.  The distance won’t make me impatient. You sowed flower and new moon  long ago on the clear surface from my tearful day. But now  I do not know if I remember  the color and texture of your hair. I don’t even recall your reflection in my eyes.

La distancia entre nosotros

La distancia entre nosotros parece ser una nube de hierro que cubre todo mi espacio. SerĂ¡ que hemos nacidos para vagar siempre por polos opuestos? Soy rĂ­o ondulante acostado sobre tu pecho de ensueño ajeno a mi deshojado crepĂºsculo. Tengo salpicaduras color amarillo que no son inmunes al frio. Hoy te canto igual que mañana. QuizĂ¡s estĂ¡s demasiado lejos para saborear mi banquete de bodas. No me importa, mi LĂ¡zaro, con la muerte no puedo ser impaciente. Hace tiempo sembraste   claveles y lunas azules sobre la superficie clara de mi lloroso dĂ­a. Pero hoy, hoy no se si recuerdo el color de tu pelo y no veo me reflejo en tus ojos.

Poems Up at three different places

Poem Up @ MagCloud , Bird's Thumb , and Better Than Starbucks !